By Ron Pearce

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There is a young couple in India. They had an encounter with the Living God that changed their lives and the lives of all of those living in their village. 

They started to share their newfound faith with the other villagers. One by one, more people came to believe in Jesus. The Christian leader, upon invitation, made the journey into the village every 15 days with another pastor and taught the people about Jesus.

The Lord’s power and His healing touch among the people convinced the remaining unsaved villagers to surrender their lives to Christ. Today, the entire village serves God, and they are a witness to everyone around them.

Like the Early Church in the Book of Acts, multitudes of people in India are turning from their old ways and trusting in the Lord. Isaiah 55:6,7 tells us:

Seek the Lord while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the unrighteous man his thoughts; And let him return to the Lord, and He will have compassion on him, and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon.

Our God will abundantly pardon us for all that we’ve done. When I think of the word abundant, I think lavish, copious, plentiful, and ample.

It is over the top forgiveness.

There is nothing stingy about God’s mercy. He doesn’t wave us forward with an eye roll or shake of His head. He throws open His arms and says, It is finished.”

His mercy is more than enough for our sins. We can live in complete freedom under His protection. What do we have to do? Seek Him. Call upon Him. Turn from sin.

Like Sahil and Elina, we know the time is at hand to call upon God for He is near, and His compassion is overflowing.

The Lord’s power and His healing touch among the people convinced the remaining unsaved villagers to surrender their lives to Christ.

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