The people of Israel have been devastated due to horrific acts of violence upon their nation. It is at a time like this, that believers worldwide can lift them up both in prayer and through financial support.

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I fully believe that we are at the doorstep of a major turning to the Lord because of what is transpiring with this war.

Due to the nature of the internet, we are careful about what we share here. Please subscribe to our Situation Reports to read our full and unredacted reports with detailed country updates.

From the desk of Ron Pearce
October 102023


Dear Friends,

A few days before Jesus was crucified, when He was sitting on the Mount of Olives and was questioned about the signs of the End Times, He shared these words with His disciples:

You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. (Matthew 24:6 NASB)

Jesus realized that the natural reaction of people going through what we are now witnessing in Israel would be fear, apprehension, panic, and utter terror. But the key lesson that Jesus taught throughout His ministry and through the work of the Holy Spirit today is that when you give your life to Jesus, His Presence will be with His followers continually during the periods of trepidation and tribulation.” And this is Empower’s primary concern — to pray for the peace that the Lord promised would surround the Body of Yeshua in this hour of desperate need.

Not only this, but we also have a deep concern for all the individuals and families living in Israel who don’t know the Messiah personally and are living in a spiritual vacuum of horror and paralyzing fear.

to pray for the peace that the Lord promised would surround the Body of Yeshua in this hour of desperate need

Yesterday, someone called me and asked, Is this the End?” Honestly, I really don’t know… But I firmly believe it is another birth pang leading up to the end. Some good Christian friends differ with me on my interpretation of prophecy, and I respect their opinions. However, from my vantage point, and that of hundreds of national church leaders worldwide, it is time to get serious about living for Christ and mature in our approach to winning the lost — before it is too late.

Over the past few decades, the Body of Christ worldwide has been taught a valuable lesson by the Lord. Wars, earthquakes, pandemics, famine, disease, and a myriad of other devastating events are to be utilized by the Body of Christ as an opportunity to spread the Gospel and lead the lost to salvation. Very recently, this has been the case with Covid and the war in Ukraine. Countries with national churches who embraced the unique opportunities presented during Covid have experienced revival in their churches and subsequently introduced millions to Jesus through compassionate love and aggressive witnessing. Similarly in Ukraine, the fear of death through war has sparked a hunger for the Gospel and the Word of God that is historic for that country.

We, at Empower, are praying for and trusting the Lord to bring about this same spiritual response to the horrific events that have transpired over the past few days in Israel. There has been an increasing openness to Yeshua (Jesus) being the promised Messiah over the past decade or so amongst many of the Jewish people in Israel. But this current war and the atrocities committed by Hamas, plus the threat of expanding hostilities on the northern border with Hezbollah, has the potential to open the door widely for a move of God in Israel and the opening of spiritually blind eyes.

Empower is planning to assist those congregations and ministries which are on the front lines of caring for the needs of the believers and unbelievers alike in Israel.

There has been an increasing openness to Yeshua (Jesus) being the promised Messiah over the past decade or so amongst many of the Jewish people in Israel.

Empower’s Response to the Crisis:

Empower is currently in the process of sending funds to meet the following needs:

How our friends in Israel asked us to pray for the situation:

In closing, in 2019 Empower launched Operation Equip Israel. This was an initiative inspired by the Lord to saturate Israel with the Word of God — in multiple languages and formats. Hundreds of thousands of Bibles and other pieces of scriptural material have been delivered free of charge to the vast majority of congregations and ministries countrywide. Up until 2019, there was a severe shortage of Scripture in the Land. There isn’t any longer! And we will continue to flood the country with as much Scripture as is necessary to meet the needs and opportunities going forward.

But something else is now necessary.

I fully believe that we are at the doorstep of a major turning to the Lord because of what is transpiring with this war. Therefore, Empower feels led to take this opportunity to strengthen the ministries of the Body of Yeshua in Israel by supplying them with compassionate assistance to be distributed by messianic congregations and Arabic-speaking churches during this crisis.

This means that believers will be empowered to share with unbelievers:

  1. compassionate aid to show the love of Christ.
  2. their testimony and explanation of the Gospel to display that being born again by the indwelling Holy Spirit can be life-changing, and
  3. the Word of God to provide them with the pathway to hope and eternal peace.

We have given this initiative the name: Project: Lift Israel

The people of Israel have been devastated due to these horrific acts of violence upon their nation. It is at a time like this, that believers worldwide can lift them up both in prayer and through financial support.

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.

He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.

Psalm 121:1 – 3 (KJV)

If you feel led to assist and bless the people of Israel in this time of immense need, please call our office to donate by phone (1.800.575.1863) or give through Empower’s website (www​.empow​er​min​istries​.ca/​i​srael) as soon as possible.

This could be a historic opportunity!

With my sincere thanks, His bondservant,


Ron Pearce

Executive Director/​Founder

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