Two Brothers Find Christ
Cuba is a communist country riddled with ongoing difficulties, including a national food crisis and fuel shortage. Yet, there is also a growing and stable church that continues to expand and thrive. One of the main reasons for Cubans to turn to Christ is their desperation for something or someone in which to place their hope.
One day, two church planters decided to travel to an area with no Christians and no established church so they could preach the Good News and introduce people to Christ. They met a man named Joseph who instantly was intrigued by their message of hope. He wanted to learn more so he asked if they would organize a church service at his house. The two men were thrilled and they visited people in the village to invite them to the service. As they spoke to one woman about Jesus, a man wielding a machete confronted them, demanding that they leave his house. The church planters held up their hands to show they meant no harm, and humbly asked why he seemed so upset. At that moment the Lord touched his heart and he immediately calmed down. He listened to the church planters tell him about Jesus before explaining that the service that evening was going to be held in his brother’s house, whom he hadn’t spoken to in 40 years over a land dispute. Despite the long feud, he agreed to go with his wife to the service. That night, Joseph met his brother at the door and asked for forgiveness. It was an emotional reunion, the men wept together and forgave one another. Then they both prayed to accept Christ, rejoicing in the goodness of God. Not too long afterward, Joseph became very ill, and on his deathbed, with his brother at his side, he gave his land and his house to the Lord so that a permanent Church could be built in its place.
In Colossians 3:13, believers are given clear instructions: Bearing with one another and forgiving each other, whosoever has a complaint against anyone, just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you do.
The Lord has a plan and purpose for each one of our lives and when we turn ourselves over to Him, there is nothing He can’t do, including mending broken relationships and hardened hearts.
Then they both prayed to accept Christ, rejoicing in the goodness of God.